An Important Update To Our Allergen Protocols
Mar 06 2023
From Day One of starting our small (but mighty) business, we have emphasized being clear and transparent regarding potential food allergens in our products. This is because we know firsthand the challenges that come from navigating food allergies and take this seriously for our, and for your, families.
In that spirit, we are writing to let you know that we are changing our allergen claims. Our original manufacturer maintained a Top 14 allergen-free program, but unfortunately ceased operations due to a challenging operating environment. As we looked for a new production partner, we were unable to locate another Top 14 allergen free program that could work with us at our scale. In order to preserve the business, we had to make the difficult decision to amend our allergen claims. We continue to offer a product that is free from top 9 allergens, specifically including gluten, egg, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish, shellfish and sesame. You can read more about our allergen protocols here.
Importantly, any products that are currently in your homes or shopping carts as of March 6, 2023 are still from the Top 14 free facility. However, beginning this week with the launch of a new product format (!), it will be possible that any new purchases will come from the Top 9 facility.
The lack of production capacity in the North American market for allergen-free foods is part of why we are passionate about growing the business. Families with food allergies like ours deserve more options.
We welcome your feedback and questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at and
Thank you for reading and for supporting our small business.
Daphne and Dyanna